Menu Planning Central

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wordless Wednesday 7/25/07

This is the picture of a wild turkey that my husband woke me up to show me about 3 weeks ago. (I'm glad he woke me up!) This turkey is in our backyard because he found birdseed on the ground that had been knocked off from my bird feeders, which are about 3-5 feet away from him to the right, but are unseen here in this picture. I snuck out into the florida room and took some pictures of him before he noticed me. It was so cool to hear the gobble-gobble sounds he was making and to watch him scratch the ground to kick up the seeds! I was surprised to see just how "powerful" his legs/feet are!

To see other Wordless Wednesday participants, click on Wordless Wednesday


Anonymous said...

wow, that is cool!

Anonymous said...

I just saw a wild turket the other day, too. It is sooo awesome to see wild life like that! They are HUGE!

Eagles Wings said...

That's cool! I remember see them as a kid in WV, but had a rifle - hunting with my cousin and uncle.
Thanks for stopping by my WW!

Sandee said...

Keep the seed out there and pretty soon you'll have Thanksgiving dinner. Okay, not if you don't want to. Have a great WW. :)

Irishcoda said...

How neat to have a wild turkey in your back yard! I love it when the critters come around but in NJ we don't get any. The most interesting one I've seen was a black bear that came down to inspect my in-laws' vegetable garden one night. YIKES!

Samantha & Mom said...

Turkeys are cool! Very nice picture!
Sometimes it's worth getting up early for great shots!!

Rebecca said...

Oh what fun! There's a place just outside of my city that has tons and tons of wild turkeys. It's kinda cool, but I hear they can become quite a pest.

Happy WW! :-)

Debbie said...

Has he left yet? If not, you may not get rid of him since he found all that birdseed. LOL....

He is a big one..... and like someone else said, If he hangs around until November.........

Anonymous said...

What a great picture!

Proverbs 31 Woman Wannabe said...

Thanks for the laughs ladies! Haven't seen him since, but they usually hang out further back.

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