Today, on this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for:
My husband and that he allows me to stay at home with our children and has faith in me as I raise them and homeschool them.
ALL of my children--Each one is incredibly unique and so very special. I really am so grateful to the Lord for blessing me and creating these children for us.
My salvation and the fact that "the price has already been PAID"! It is through the Lord's grace that I will have an eternity in heaven with Him.
That the Lord has continually protected my children while they go on bike rides.
Our church's website and the audio sermons they record and make available on the internet so I can listen to them anytime I want and as often as I want!
For technology, computers, internet, routers, laptops--so many things that allow me to interact with other Godly women on the web.
For my husband's willingness and diligence to "try" to fix/repair his van so we can have 2 vehicles. He really isn't well versed in mechanics, so at least he IS trying!
For still being able to nurse/breastfeed my toddler. He is 16 months old and this is the longest I've ever nursed any of my children. The moments we share are totally priceless. It gives us both a closeness I cannot put into words.
For thrift stores because they allows us to find quality clothing for a fraction of the price it costs in retail stores.
That the heavy rains we had yesterday have almost all been absorbed into the ground, rather than stay flooded in our yard.
For each and EVERY American soldier (all military included) and their unselfishness as they defend our country.
For our window air conditioner and that it works so sufficiently! I am so grateful that we haven't had to use it often so far, but when we have, it has been a HUGE blessing!
For this "Thankful Thursday" activity and the fact that it forces us to take time out of our daily lives to notice and realize all the blessings God has given us.
I do thank you, Father God, for everything listed above and all of the many other things I haven't included here. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
If you'd like to participate in "Thankful Thursday" or just read other lists, visit Sting My Heart.
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