Since we live in the northeast, naturally it was the Eastern Bluebird that we saw. It was the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen!
I was doing dishes and noticed this gorgeous blue bird on the ground so I took another look and thought to myself, "hmmm, that doesn't look like a bluejay, what is that?" I watched this bird as he went from the ground up to the tree, then back down to the ground and up to the tree again. He did this 3 or 4 times. I can only assume he hit the jackpot and found some yummy insects to eat. After watching this behavior, I immediately thought "could that be a bluebird???"
One of my sons ran and got his binoculars and soon confirmed that yes indeed, it was a bluebird--a MALE bluebird. Wooohooo! I was both so excited and grateful to have gotten a glimpse of this gorgeous bird.
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