Menu Planning Central

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Well, Here I Go!

This is my first post on my very first blog! Wow, how exciting LOL.

Almost everyone I know has a blog, but I never took the plunge until today.

I was (and somewhat still am) convinced that I really don’t have anything super exciting or extraordinary to write about that would interest anyone, but I figured I would go ahead and try anyway. So, please be kind and bear with me as I attempt this new venture!

A little about my family & I…I am a Christian wife of 20 1/2 years and homeschooling/work-at-home-mom (wahm) to 6 blessings so far (5 boys & 1 girl, not in that order) ages 16, 12, 11, 9, almost 6, 1 year old, and 4 babies in heaven. We also have 9 indoor cats & 4 dogs. And just in case you are wondering…No, we do not have a big house.

In my opinion, being a wife and mother is absolutely the best thing ever!!! I am very grateful to the Lord for my husband and our children. I come from a family of 9 children and I’ve ALWAYS wanted to have a large family.

If it is the Lord’s will, I’d still LOVE to have more children, particularly through adoption. I’ve always had a desire to adopt and would seriously do so if ever given the opportunity, but so far the Lord has not made that possible, so it may not be His will.

Since we have a larger family, my husband & I started an eBay store a few years ago to help supplement his income. I’m also a representative for the following companies: Greeting Cakes, Jerky Direct Meat Snacks & Supplements, Cello In A Box Bags & Gift Wrap products, Kat’s Coffees, & Stuff A Friend Animal/Doll Kits. I also signed up with Melaleuca to use their non-toxic products. I’ve never worked it as a business, but since I love their products, I’ll stay with it for personal use at the very least. Everything is on my website in case you want to see something.

Lastly, I own a wahm site which I purchased this past fall and I’ve really had a terrific, wonderful time developing it so far. I think it will always be a work in progress, but if you’d like to see it, it is

Well, I think this was a good start. If you’ve read this until the very end, I thank you and hope you’ll visit again.


Menu Planning Central